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Rule of inference

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In the philosophy of logic and logic, specifically in deductive reasoning, a rule of inference, inference rule or transformation rule is a logical form consisting of a function which takes premises, analyzes their syntax, and returns a conclusion (or conclusions).

For example, the rule of inference called modus ponens takes two premises, one in the form "If p then q" and another in the form "p", and returns the conclusion "q". The rule is valid with respect to the semantics of classical logic (as well as the semantics of many other non-classical logics), in the sense that if the premises are true (under an interpretation), then so is the conclusion.

Typically, a rule of inference preserves truth, a semantic property. In many-valued logic, it preserves a general designation. But a rule of inference's action is purely syntactic, and does not need to preserve any semantic property: any function from sets of formulae to formulae counts as a rule of inference. Usually only rules that are recursive are important; i.e. rules such that there is an effective procedure for determining whether any given formula is the conclusion of a given set of formulae according to the rule. An example of a rule that is not effective in this sense is the infinitary ω-rule.[1]

Popular rules of inference in propositional logic include modus ponens, modus tollens, and contraposition. First-order predicate logic uses rules of inference to deal with logical quantifiers.



A rule of inference is a way of drawing a conclusion from a set of premises.[2] Also called inference rule and transformation rule,[3] it is a norm of correct inferences that can be used to guide reasoning, justify conclusions, and criticize arguments. As part of deductive logic, rules of inference are argument forms that preserve the truth of the premises, meaning that the conclusion is always true if the premises are true.[a] An inference is deductively correct or valid if it follows a rule of inference. Whether this is the case depends only on the form or syntactical structure of the premises and the conclusion. As a result, the actual content or concrete meaning of the statements does not affect validity. For instance, modus ponens is a rule of inference that connects two premises of the form "if p then q" and "p" to the conclusion "q", where p and q stand for statements. Any argument with this form is valid, independent of the specific meanings of p and q, such as the argument "if it is raining, then the ground is wet; it is raining; therefore, the ground is wet". In addition to modus ponens, there are many other rules of inference, such as modus tollens, disjunctive syllogism, hypothetical syllogism, constructive dilemma, and destructive dilemma.[5]

Rules of inference belong to logical systems and distinct logical systems may use different rules of inference. For example, universal instantiation is a rule of inference in the system of first-order logic but not in propositional logic.[6] Rules of inference play a central role in proofs as explicit procedures for arriving at a new line of a proof based on the preceding lines. Proofs involve a series of inferential steps and often use various rules of inference to establish the theorem they intend to demonstrate.[7] As standards or procedures governing the transformation of symbolic expressions, rules of inference are similar to mathematical functions taking premises as input and producing a conclusion as output. According to one interpretation, rules of inference are inherent in logical operators[b] found in statements, making the meaning and function of these operators explicit without adding any additional information.[9]

Logicians distinguish two types of rules of inference: rules of implication and rules of replacement.[c] Rules of implication, like modus ponens, operate only in one direction, meaning that the conclusion can be deduced from the premises but the premises cannot be deduced from the conclusion. Rules of replacement, by contrast, operate in both directions, stating that two expressions are equivalent and can be freely replaced with each other. In classical logic, for example, a proposition (p) is equivalent to the negation[d] of its negation (¬¬p).[e] As a result, one can infer one from the other in either direction, making it a rule of replacement. Other rules of replacement include De Morgan's laws as well as the commutative and associative properties of conjunction and disjunction. While rules of implication apply only to complete statements, rules of replacement can be applied to any part of a compound statement.[12]

Basic concepts


Rules of inference describe the structure of arguments, which consist of premises that support a conclusion.[13] Premises and conclusions are statements or propositions about what is true. For instance, the assertion "The door is open." is a statement that is either true or false, while the question "Is the door open?" and the command "Open the door!" are not statements and have no truth value.[14] An inference is a step of reasoning from premises to a conclusion while an argument is the outward expression of an inference.[15]

Logic is the study of correct reasoning and examines how to distinguish good from bad arguments.[16] Deductive logic is the branch of logic that investigates the strongest arguments, called deductively valid arguments, for which the conclusion cannot be false if all the premises are true. This is expressed by saying that the conclusion is a logical consequence of the premises. Rules of inference belong to deductive logic and describe argument forms that fulfill this requirement.[17] In order to precisely assess whether an argument follows a rule of inference, logicians use formal languages to express statements in a rigorous manner, similar to mathematical formulas.[18] They combine formal languages with rules of inference to construct formal systems—frameworks for formulating propositions and drawing conclusions.[f] Different formal systems may employ different formal languages or different rules of inference.[20] The basic rules of inference within a formal system can often be expanded by introducing new rules of inference, known as admissible rules. Admissible rules do not change which arguments in a formal system are valid but can simplify proofs. If an admissible rule can be expressed through a combination of the system's basic rules, it is called a derived or derivable rule.[21] Widely-used systems of logic include propositional logic, first-order logic, and modal logic.[22]

Rules of inference only ensure that the conclusion is true if the premises are true. An argument with false premises can still be valid, but its conclusion could be false. For example, the argument "If pigs can fly, then the sky is purple. Pigs can fly. Therefore, the sky is purple." is valid because it follows modus ponens, even though it contains false premises. A valid argument is called sound argument if all premises are true.[23]

Rules of inference are closely related to tautologies. In logic, a tautology is a statement that is true only because of the logical vocabulary it uses, independent of the meanings of its non-logical vocabulary. For example, the statement "if the tree is green and the sky is blue then the tree is green" is true independent of the meanings of terms like tree and green, making it a tautology. Every argument following a rule of inference can be transformed into a tautology. This is achieved by forming a conjunction (and) of all premises and connecting it through implication (if ... then ...) to the conclusion, thereby combining all the individual statements of the argument into a single statement. For example, the valid argument "The tree is green and the sky is blue. Therefore, the tree is green." can be transformed into the tautology "if the tree is green and the sky is blue then the tree is green".[24]

Standard form


In formal logic (and many related areas), rules of inference are usually given in the following standard form:


This expression states that whenever in the course of some logical derivation the given premises have been obtained, the specified conclusion can be taken for granted as well. The exact formal language that is used to describe both premises and conclusions depends on the actual context of the derivations. In a simple case, one may use logical formulae, such as in:

This is the modus ponens rule of propositional logic. Rules of inference are often formulated as schemata employing metavariables.[25] In the rule (schema) above, the metavariables A and B can be instantiated to any element of the universe (or sometimes, by convention, a restricted subset such as propositions) to form an infinite set of inference rules.

A proof system is formed from a set of rules chained together to form proofs, also called derivations. Any derivation has only one final conclusion, which is the statement proved or derived. If premises are left unsatisfied in the derivation, then the derivation is a proof of a hypothetical statement: "if the premises hold, then the conclusion holds."

Systems of logic


Propositional logic


Propositional logic examines the inferential patterns of simple and compound propositions. It uses letters, such as and , to represent simple propositions. Compound propositions are formed by modifying or combining simple propositions with logical operators, such as (not), (and), (or), and (if ... then ...). For example, if stands for the statement "it is raining" and stands for the statement "the streets are wet", then expresses "it is not raining" and expresses "if it is raining then the streets are wet". These logical operators are truth-functional, meaning that the truth value of a compound proposition depends only on the truth values of the simple propositions composing it. For instance, the compound proposition is only true if both and are true; in all other cases, it is false. Propositional logic is not concerned with the concrete meaning of propositions other than their truth values.[26] Key rules of inference in propositional logic are modus ponens, modus tollens, hypothetical syllogism, and disjunctive syllogism. Further rules include conjunction introduction, disjunction introduction, constructive dilemma, destructive dilemma, double negation elimination, and De Morgan's laws.[27]

Notable rules of inference[28]
Rule of inference Form Example
Modus ponens
Modus tollens
Hypothetical syllogism
Disjunctive syllogism

First-order logic


Classical first-order logic also employs the logical operators from propositional logic but includes additional devices to articulate the internal structure of propositions. Basic propositions in first-order logic consist of a predicate, symbolized with uppercase letters like and , which is applied to singular terms, symbolized with lowercase letters like and . For example, if stands for "Aristotle" and stands for "is a philosopher", the formula means that "Aristotle is a philosopher". Another innovation of first-order logic is the use of the quantifiers and , which express that a predicate applies to some or all individuals. For instance, the formula expresses that philosophers exist while expresses that everyone is a philosopher. The rules of inference from propositional logic are also valid in first-order logic.[29] Additionally, first-order logic introduces new rules of inference that govern the role of singular terms, predicates, and quantifiers in arguments. Key rules of inference are universal instantiation and existential generalization. Other rules of inference include universal generalization and existential instantiation.[30]

Notable rules of inference[31]
Rule of inference Form Example
Universal instantiation [g]
Existential generalization

Modal logics are formal systems that extend propositional logic and first-order logic with additional logical operators. Alethic modal logic introduces the operator to express that something is possible and the operator to express that something is necessary. For example, if the means that "Parvati works", then means that "It is possible that Parvati works" while means that "It is necessary that Parvati works". These two operators are related by a rule of replacement stating that is equivalent to . In other words: if something is necessarily true then it is not possible that it is not true. Further rules of inference include the necessitation rule, which asserts that a statement is necessarily true if it is provable in a formal system without any additional premises, and the distribution axiom, which allows one to derive from . These rules of inference belong to system K, a weak form of modal logic with only the most basic rules of inference. Many formal systems of alethic modal logic include additional rules of inference, such as system T, which allows one to deduce from .[32]

Non-alethic systems of modal logic introduce operators that behave like and in alethic modal logic, following similar rules of inference but with different meanings. Deontic logic is one type of non-alethic logic. It uses the operator to express that an action is permitted and the operator to express that an action is required, where behaves similarly to and behaves similarly to . For instance, the rule of replacement in alethic modal logic asserting that is equivalent to also applies to deontic logic. As a result, one can deduce from (e.g. Quinn has an obligation to help) that (e.g. Quinn is not permitted not to help).[33] Other systems of modal logic include temporal modal logic, which has operators for what is always or sometimes the case, as well as doxastic and epistemic modal logics, which have operators for what people believe and know.[34]



Many other systems of logic have been proposed. One of the earliest systems is Aristotelian logic, according to which each statement is made up of two terms, a subject and a predicate, connected by a copula. For example, the statement "all humans are mortal" has the subject "all humans", the predicate "mortal", and the copula "is". All rules of inference in Aristotelian logic have the form of syllogisms, which consist of two premises and a conclusion. For instance, the Barbara rule of inference describes the validity of arguments of the form "All men are mortal. All Greeks are men. Therefore, all Greeks are mortal."[35]

Second-order logic extends first-order logic by allowing quantifiers to apply to predicates in addition to singular terms. For example, to express that the individuals Adam () and Bianca () share a property, one can use the formula .[36] Second-order logic also comes with new rules of inference.[h] For instance, one can infer (Adam is a philosopher) from (every property applies to Adam).[38]

Intuitionistic logic is a non-classical variant of propositional and first-order logic. It shares with them many rules of inference, such as modus ponens, but excludes certain rules. For example, in classical logic, one can infer from using the rule of double negation elimination. However, in intuitionistic logic, this inference is invalid. As a result, every theorem that can be deduced in intuitionistic logic can also be deduced in classical logic, but some theorems provable in classical logic cannot be proven in intuitionistic logic.[39]

Paraconsistent logics revise classical logic to allow the existence of contradictions. In logic, a contradiction happens if the same proposition is both affirmed and denied, meaning that a formal system contains both and as theorems. Classical logic prohibits contradictions because classical rules of inference lead to the principle of explosion, an admissible rule of inference that makes it possible to infer from the premises and . Since is unrelated to , any arbitrary statement can be deduced from a contradiction, making the affected systems useless for deciding what is true and false.[40] Paraconsistent logics solve this problem by modifying the rules of inference in such a way that the principle of explosion is not an admissible rule of inference. As a result, it is possible to reason about inconsistent information without deriving absurd conclusions.[41]

Many-valued logics modify classical logic by introducing additional truth values. In classical logic, a proposition is either true or false with nothing inbetween. In many-valued logics, some propositions are neither true nor false. Kleene logic, for example, is a three-valued logic that introduces the additional truth value undefined to describe situations where information is incomplete or uncertain.[42] Many-valued logics have adjusted rules of inference to accommodate the additional truth values. For instance, the classical rule of replacement stating that is equivalent to is invalid in many three-valued systems.[43]



Various formalisms or proof systems have been suggested as distinct ways of codifying reasoning and demonstrating the validity of arguments. Unlike different systems of logic, these formalisms do not impact what can be proven; they only influence how proofs are formulated. Influential frameworks include natural deduction systems, Hilbert systems, and sequent calculi.[44]

Natural deduction systems aim to reflect how people naturally reason by introducing many intuitive rules of inference to make logical derivations more accessible. They break complex arguments into simple steps, often using subproofs based on temporary premises. The rules of inference in natural deduction target specific logical operators, governing how an operator can be added with introduction rules or removed with elimination rules. For example, the rule of conjunction introduction asserts that one can infer from the premises and , thereby producing a conclusion with the conjunction operator from premises that do not contain it. Conversely, the rule of conjunction elimination asserts that one can infer from , thereby producing a conclusion that no longer includes the conjunction operator. Similar rules of inference are disjunction introduction and elimination, implication introduction and elimination, negation introduction and elimination, and biconditional introduction and elimination. As a result, systems of natural deduction usually include many rules of inference.[45][i]

Hilbert systems, by contrast, aim to provide a minimal and efficient framework of logical reasoning by including as few rules of inference as possible. Many Hilbert systems only have modus ponens as the sole rule of inference. To ensure that all theorems can be deduced from this minimal foundation, they introduce axiom schemes.[47] For example, propositional logic can be defined with the following three axiom schemes: (1) , (2) , and (3) .[48] To formulate proofs, logicians create new theorems by replacing the metavariables in an axiom scheme with instances and then apply modus ponens to these theorems to derive conclusions. Compared to natural deduction, this procedure tends to be less intuitive since its heavy reliance on symbolic manipulation can obscure the underlying logical reasoning.[49]

Sequent calculi, another approach, introduce sequents as formal representations of arguments. A sequent has the form , where and stand for propositions. Sequents are conditional assertions stating that at least one is true if all are true. Rules of inference operate on sequents to produce additional sequents. Sequent calculi define two rules of inference for each logical operator: one to introduce it on the left side of a sequent and another to introduce it on the right side. For example, through the rule for introducing the operator on the left side, one can infer from . The cut rule, an additional rule of inference, makes it possible to simplify sequents by removing certain propositions.[50]

Example: Hilbert systems for two propositional logics


In a Hilbert system, the premises and conclusion of the inference rules are simply formulae of some language, usually employing metavariables. For graphical compactness of the presentation and to emphasize the distinction between axioms and rules of inference, this section uses the sequent notation () instead of a vertical presentation of rules. In this notation,

is written as .

The formal language for classical propositional logic can be expressed using just negation (¬), implication (→) and propositional symbols. A well-known axiomatization, comprising three axiom schemata and one inference rule (modus ponens), is:

(CA1) ⊢ A → (BA)
(CA2) ⊢ (A → (BC)) → ((AB) → (AC))
(CA3) ⊢ (¬A → ¬B) → (BA)

It may seem redundant to have two notions of inference in this case, ⊢ and →. In classical propositional logic, they indeed coincide; the deduction theorem states that AB if and only if ⊢ AB. There is however a distinction worth emphasizing even in this case: the first notation describes a deduction, that is an activity of passing from sentences to sentences, whereas AB is simply a formula made with a logical connective, implication in this case. Without an inference rule (like modus ponens in this case), there is no deduction or inference. This point is illustrated in Lewis Carroll's dialogue called "What the Tortoise Said to Achilles",[51] as well as later attempts by Bertrand Russell and Peter Winch to resolve the paradox introduced in the dialogue.

For some non-classical logics, the deduction theorem does not hold. For example, the three-valued logic of Łukasiewicz can be axiomatized as:[52]

(CA1) ⊢ A → (BA)
(LA2) ⊢ (AB) → ((BC) → (AC))
(CA3) ⊢ (¬A → ¬B) → (BA)
(LA4) ⊢ ((A → ¬A) → A) → A

This sequence differs from classical logic by the change in axiom 2 and the addition of axiom 4. The classical deduction theorem does not hold for this logic, however a modified form does hold, namely AB if and only if ⊢ A → (AB).[53]

Admissibility and derivability


In a set of rules, an inference rule could be redundant in the sense that it is admissible or derivable. A derivable rule is one whose conclusion can be derived from its premises using the other rules. An admissible rule is one whose conclusion holds whenever the premises hold. All derivable rules are admissible. To appreciate the difference, consider the following set of rules for defining the natural numbers (the judgment asserts the fact that is a natural number):

The first rule states that 0 is a natural number, and the second states that s(n) is a natural number if n is. In this proof system, the following rule, demonstrating that the second successor of a natural number is also a natural number, is derivable:

Its derivation is the composition of two uses of the successor rule above. The following rule for asserting the existence of a predecessor for any nonzero number is merely admissible:

This is a true fact of natural numbers, as can be proven by induction. (To prove that this rule is admissible, assume a derivation of the premise and induct on it to produce a derivation of .) However, it is not derivable, because it depends on the structure of the derivation of the premise. Because of this, derivability is stable under additions to the proof system, whereas admissibility is not. To see the difference, suppose the following nonsense rule were added to the proof system:

In this new system, the double-successor rule is still derivable. However, the rule for finding the predecessor is no longer admissible, because there is no way to derive . The brittleness of admissibility comes from the way it is proved: since the proof can induct on the structure of the derivations of the premises, extensions to the system add new cases to this proof, which may no longer hold.

Admissible rules can be thought of as theorems of a proof system. For instance, in a sequent calculus where cut elimination holds, the cut rule is admissible.

See also





  1. ^ Non-deductive arguments, by contrast, support the conclusion without ensuring that it is true, such as inductive and abductive reasoning.[4]
  2. ^ Logical operators or constants are expressions used to form and connect propositions, such as not, or, and if...then....[8]
  3. ^ According to a narrow definition, rules of inference only encompass rules of implication but do not include rules of replacement.[10]
  4. ^ Logicians use the symbols ¬ or ~ to express negation.
  5. ^ Rules of replacement are sometimes expressed using a double semi-colon. For instance, the double negation rule can be written as p :: ¬¬p.[11]
  6. ^ Additionally, formal systems may also define axioms or axiom schemas.[19]
  7. ^ This example assumes that refers to an individual in the domain of discourse.
  8. ^ An important difference between first-order and second-order logic is that second-order logic is incomplete, meaning that it is not possible to provide a finite set of rules of inference with which every theorem can be deduced.[37]
  9. ^ The Fitch notation is an influential way of presenting proofs in natural deduction systems.[46]


  1. ^ Boolos, George; Burgess, John; Jeffrey, Richard C. (2007). Computability and logic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 364. ISBN 978-0-521-87752-7.
  2. ^
  3. ^
  4. ^ Hintikka & Sandu 2006, pp. 13–14
  5. ^
  6. ^
  7. ^
  8. ^ Hurley 2016, pp. 238–239
  9. ^
  10. ^ Arthur 2016, pp. 165–166
  11. ^ Hurley 2016, pp. 323–252
  12. ^
  13. ^
  14. ^
  15. ^
  16. ^
  17. ^
  18. ^
  19. ^ Hodel 2013, p. 7
  20. ^
  21. ^
  22. ^
  23. ^
  24. ^
  25. ^ John C. Reynolds (2009) [1998]. Theories of Programming Languages. Cambridge University Press. p. 12. ISBN 978-0-521-10697-9.
  26. ^
  27. ^
  28. ^
  29. ^
  30. ^
  31. ^
  32. ^
  33. ^ Garson 2024, § 3. Deontic Logics
  34. ^
  35. ^
    • Smith 2022, Lead section, § 3. The Subject of Logic: “Syllogisms”
    • Groarke, Lead section, § 3. From Words into Propositions, § 4. Kinds of Propositions, § 9. The Syllogism
  36. ^ Väänänen 2024, Lead section, § 1. Introduction
  37. ^
  38. ^ Pollard 2015, p. 98
  39. ^
  40. ^
  41. ^
  42. ^
  43. ^
  44. ^
  45. ^
  46. ^ Akiba 2024, p. 7
  47. ^
  48. ^ Smullyan 2014, pp. 102–103
  49. ^
  50. ^
  51. ^ Kosta Dosen (1996). "Logical consequence: a turn in style". In Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara; Kees Doets; Daniele Mundici; Johan van Benthem (eds.). Logic and Scientific Methods: Volume One of the Tenth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Florence, August 1995. Springer. p. 290. ISBN 978-0-7923-4383-7. preprint (with different pagination)
  52. ^ Bergmann, Merrie (2008). An introduction to many-valued and fuzzy logic: semantics, algebras, and derivation systems. Cambridge University Press. p. 100. ISBN 978-0-521-88128-9.
  53. ^ Bergmann, Merrie (2008). An introduction to many-valued and fuzzy logic: semantics, algebras, and derivation systems. Cambridge University Press. p. 114. ISBN 978-0-521-88128-9.

